Val’s photo:

Another of ‘Val’s photos’ - see caption on the other one in this group. So, this is probably Columbia House, The Aldwych, early 1970s, and quite close to where WUD himself (extreme LHS, standing, with glass in his right hand) had started out in the profession as the junior partner of GGM Hardingham  40 to 50 years before, at Clun House, Surrey Street. Peter Lord is standing in the corner of the room looking straight at the camera, with his usual air of competence (and appears as if he could be wearing an academic gown!), and Val herself is, I think, the blonde lady in the front row, RHS. I think Steve Walters said she was MFW’s secretary. More recently (November 2014), Mike himself remembered that she was Bill’s secretary, and a friend of “Megs”, Mrs Geary.  Ron Harris is standing, back row, glasses, looking ‘very much Ron’. Must refer to my notes on this view, but believe that no one was able to put any additional names to this shot - certainly not the two men right at the front. If anyone could, I suppose it might be Gill Green (who, Ron says, is not in this shot).

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014