Recently-added pages and text and graphics:

This page is added on 20.1.15 and lists in date-order of addition, recently-added pages and text and graphics, so that you can easily see what is new, and go there:

1. 20.1.15: As of today, perhaps the most recently-added significant addition to the whole site was William George Reed Archer (WGRA) and Elizabeth Gilder (EEG)’s wedding group photograph and some of the faces picked-out from that photo, with text added to these by way of comments and questions and so on. Click here` to go to WGRA’s photo album, and the wedding photo and the faces should be easy to find there;

2. 20.1.15: At much the same time as I added item 1. above, I also added the graphics of Ann Archer Archer’s bedspread, by kind permission of my cousin Gill Fisher. These are colour photos of the appliqué-work bedspread made in the early 19th century by a six-year-old child. Click here to go to the photo gallery which includes these photos;

3. 20.1.15: Another significant recent addition is: “Descendants of William Pickstone, cotton mill overlooker”. Click here to go to it;

4. 20.1.15: Added today: “Edward Reed”, a page commencing with a transcription of Edward Reed’s letter dated 14.7.1888 to his eldest son. Edward Reed was William Archer (WGRA)’s maternal grandfather, father of Ernest Albert Reed, founder of the Reed paper empire, and ‘uncle-by-marriage’ of GJ Churchward, chief engineer of the Great Western Railway (1902-1921). Click here to go to his page;

5. 28.1.15: The 1943 wedding. Click here.

6. 4.2.15: Photo of James Archer and accompanying text scanned from very faded original and added to introduction page of the website;

7. 7.2.15: Page of history of Archer Cowley & Co, including WGRA’s own hand-written history on the back of an envelope; Click here to go to it;


11.2.16: Amendments to the pages relating to The New Zealand Family - click here to go there; we are in NZ during Jan/Feb 2016 and so these pages are of great current interest; yesterday I deleted some text relating to Ernest Archer, and the question of whether the crash in the NL Blériot that he was flying had any connection with his use of a walking frame in later life - I agreed with Klaas Jan Sijsling that the italicised format suggested that the idea of a link came from him;

23.2.16: Other recent amendments that need to be recorded here:
a) a good many amendments prompted by the recent death of my cousin Eileen Raff, daughter and first child of Arthur Archer (1902-1976) and Rosie Holden, who lived most of her life in S.Carolina after meeting and marrying and returning to the US with a G.I. (meaning a US soldier), Albert Raff, who had come to the UK on active service,  in World War 2. Click here to go to the page containing update amendments (below her family-tree) relating to Eileen. Click here to go to a photo-album page containing photos of Eileen at various ages, along with descriptive matter relating to her and to her brothers and sisters and other family members;

20.12.19: Yes, well, 23.2.16 (above) is 3years and 10 months ago, during which no further entries have been made to this part of my website because in May 2016, about 3 months after the above entry, everything changed in our lives (for Ruth and me) when PMR was diagnosed, followed by GCA, and involving (now) almost continuous treatment with steroids, commencing (in the GCA case) at 60 milligrams per day, with radical side-effects, as one would expect, from such a powerful drug administered over such a long-term period. I may be able to re-commence this page one day, but not any time soon, as far as I can see. Hope stprings eternal though! And I do have high hopes.

06.03.2023: Another long gap. Three years and three months less 13 days later, Ruth and I are on the road to recovery, but little time has been available for working on this website. Sadly. But what I have been able to do is much on my Ancestry family tree, which, in some senses, is getting to be largely complete, or anyway, having a semblance of completeness. 

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014