Xmas party at St Martin’s House, Tottenham Court Road, 24.12.1974:

Here is our founder resplendent in his famous Scottish ancestry gear for Christmas. The bag-pipes (with which apparently he was wont to beguile the odd moment on these occasions) seem not to be visible in this shot which is one of Christine Wisher’s collection, which I treasure. According to Chris’s caption on the back of the print, we have: Frank Meeks (extreme left, looking straight at Bill), and Ron Harris (extreme right looking at the camera - both of whom I recognise of course, having worked with them). In addition apparently the man helping himself to the Christmas fare is Tony Mitchell (must ask Mike or Steve who he was), and behind him Gill Green (Steve Walter’s secretary for so many years) but whose face can’t be seen. The lady in the glasses is not identified in the caption. And the man in front of Ron with a glass in his hand is ‘Cyril Walker (solicitor)’ whom, again, I must seek further information about. Bill himself might be saying “Did you say a turkey sandwich or a salmon one?’ Or possibly Christine hasn’t yet said ‘Smile please!’. As of the date of this shot, I was celebrating Christmas with Massey Ferguson in Coventry and was going to be interviewed for a job in this very building in about 5 years and 3 or 4 months. Well, well. 

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014