Eileen and Pam Archer at Pam & Chas’s Golden Wedding do in 2009:

Here are the two sisters (Eileen on the right), seventy-something years after their ’two-little girls' photo at Somerville at the top of this photo-album page. A splendid do at the Sandy golf-club, and Eileen and her daughter Leslie came over from Savannah. Sadly I didn’t take nearly enough photos. I was for some reason that seems totally inexplicable (given the golden opportunity to photo the family at large) overtaken by a fit of reticence, and took only about three shots (all three on this page), and have never had any response from anyone else in the family to my requests for access to their photos taken that day. Eileen’s daughter Pam died that same year, 2009 - from what cause, I know not. Pam Ince (Eileen’s sister, on the LHS here) had been very ill in Bedford General Hospital only a few months before this and staged an amazing recovery just in time for this ‘big do’, but didn’t live very long afterwards. Here they are being photographed by the ubiquitous ‘cameraphone’ - probably Eileen’s own, judging from the adjoining shot on this page. (17.2.16nz).

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014