Edward Archer's Theosophy course screen grab on 20th June 2016

Here is my brother Edward’s Sunday afternoon class at the “TS” as he calls it. Found online while I was chatting to him on 20th June 2016. This is a major element in his life. He has been taking this class for 7 years now and hands-out a two-page summary of the content each week and is now up to something of the order of sheet No. 160 or so. He has an average of about 10 to 20 attendees, with a preponderance of women. This is probably the best-attended class at the TS these days, I gather. He is extremely methodical about it all and has an indexed record of all his presentations. From my point of view it is clear that Edward has a very clear and strong spiritual basis for his life, which suits him very well and provides a solid foundation for a meaningful working relationship with the world and its people. What more coud one have?

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014