Ernest Archers Wedding Group:

They were married on 27.4.1898 (Ernest and Marie) so the date of this shot is clear. Back row from L to R: my grandpa William Archer, and his elder sister Rose, and then 4 members of Marie Vandongen’s family, with four children, likewise presumably Vandongens or friends. (Added 31.3.15): How I wish we knew who they were. Of course Grandpa knew. But it was too late when I became curious/had the opportunity to examine this photo.  I am going to add some information (from Klaas Jan Sijsling/the Dutch official family records) about the Ernest and Marie’s family in the Netherlands, so perhaps one day someone will contact me via the website to help me out with such ‘family album’ information. Please, if you do know something of this sort, do not hesitate to let me know. I will be so grateful!

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014