1990: UDL Peterborough’s 10th Anniversary at The Swallow Hotel: (2)

Here is FJW in classic mode, half-way through a nice little story, pausing for a puff at his pipe, while his listeners look on incredulously! RFB at the extreme right, I think, who is not quite so amused; and could that be SHG on the other side, who definitely is? Can’t name anyone else, unless that’s Janet on the right of FJW. The waitress in the corner is enjoying the story too, apparently. So, this moment is more than a quarter of a century ago today on 6.9.15. This was the firm’s heyday, as far as I was concerned - a very inclusive and outward-looking firm. So different from others. Ten years of growth and prosperity behind me, with twelve more to come before I retired. Even Puddles was six years ahead in 1990. And 33 years since Archer Cowley’s centenary in 1957 (to which I was not, age 15, invited). Elizabeth Harrison had organised the whole 'Peterborough Swallow’ event brilliantly from Leeds, my memory tells me. Amazing! And, what a vision of a golden age it seems now. Partnership in a firm like that. How did I find them? Answer: Pat Haycock of Hestair and FJW’s dad at PE Consulting. Freedom to do it your way. Just get on with the work. Please the clients and the firm prospers, and so do you. And there were lots of good clients for us in Peterborough. Believe the cameraman was MFW. Certainly, he did the  captions - witness the legible handwriting on a good old ‘Post It’ note, still nicely in-place 25 years later. 

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014