The Wells-Kirkby-Archer family links:

Fairly  unlikely family links: brother and sister (Ruth and Andrew Garner of Radcliffe/Whitefield, Manchester, married (in the 1960s) second cousin and second cousin (grandchildren of Rosa and Jane Wells, daughters of William Wells the chrysanthemum-grower of Merstham, Surrey):

There is more to be told about this unlikely link involving horse-riding on Port Meadow, Oxford, and a young lady being sent (to Oxford) to escape the clutches of an older (and thought to be unsuitable) suitor, and a young Oxford businessman’s offer (to his friend at Wolvercote stables) of transport to Kingston, Surrey, in the mid-1930s, which led to a wedding….! (18.7.15).

The cv of Elizabeth Milne-Redhead.Kirby can be seen by clicking here.

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014