The view along the north bank of Loch Tay, from the ‘Tay Bridge’ at the source of the Tay at Kenmore.


The view along the north bank of Loch Tay, from the ‘Tay Bridge’ at the source of the Tay at Kenmore. Ben Lawers, capped with snow is visible in the distance, and the loch, on a windy morning still reflects the steel-blue sky, while the (mainly but by no means entirely) conifers on Drummond Hill on the north shore look splendid in the spring sunshine. Here is ‘mother earth’ in her primal beauty. Seeing it and loving it is perhaps part of what we’re here for - at least as far as I am concerned. And these parts of Scotland are, most of the time, so wonderfully peaceful, green and beautiful. 

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014