1950s beach scene:

If I had details of this shot, I have temporarily not got access to them. Perhaps Eileen (Raff) (on the left) and her sister Pamela (still, then) Archer. Pam  worked in the US in the 1950s, and perhaps she lived with sister-Eileen and her husband Al(bert) and family in the Savannah region, or anyway surely stayed with or visited them from time to time, and this might be a beach scene near their home. So, assuming I’ve got the decade right, if this is (say) the ‘Middle-1950s’, it’s about 20 to 30 years after the ‘two little girls’ shot near the top of this album page. Pam married Chas Ince in 1959, having met him en-route (by sea of course) back from the US to the UK. (19.2.16 in NZ).

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014