And on approximately the day before the 100th anniversary of the ending of the First World War on  11th November 1918: Mrs May is pulling a fast one? Sadly not.


The Guardian on (about) 10th November 2018. The idea that Mrs May had deliberately engineered the situation that has emerged had  occurred to me. By endlessly going forward with her plan, Mrs May had used up all the available time - making it impossible for Johnson/Gove/the Brexiteers generally, to be able to do anything about organising an alternative scenario. Oh would that this interpretation were actually true and we revert to the wonders of the world that we had been enjoying since the early 1970s, of living in harmony with Europe amid all the benefits of permanent peace and international co-operation and understanding, far from the mental illness of current government thinking.

The above (hilarious but totally unrealistic) interpretation of the PM's policy is really the only generous one that can possibly be found. The actual situation is that we really are in the grip of a PM who has actively sought to be the 'Emperor with No Clothes' - taken-in by tricksters, believing their fables, and finding herself trapped in a situation she cannot get out of and having to see it through to the bitter end, horridly aware (as the emperor in Hans Andersen's tale) that she really is naked and that everyone can see that it is so. (30.11.18).

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014