Description of the effect of the railway

Description of the effect of the railway

This effect must have been relevant to John Archer’s family, who were living relatively close to Folly Bridge. I need to refresh my memory on exactly which house they were living in, at the time of the 1841 census, and check likewise in the 1851 census. 

(The above page-content is derived from the web-site of South Oxford Community Association [], to whom I offer grateful thanks, and whose page is also to be found in the album-page of this web-site where this present page is located. I would merely have provided a link to the S.O.C.A’s page for this purpose, but experience has taught me that such links inevitably stop working after a time, whenever the slightest change-of-their-address occurs, so, as the present page is part of a permanent record, with grateful acknowledgement of C.O.S.As  research and publication, I provide here, access to their wonderful work. pba.21.8.2016)

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014