"Oxford Mail" Memory Lane Article: p21 on 26.9.2005:

Oxfd Mail Mmry Lne Artcl p21.26.9.05

September 11th 2005 was my dad’s centenary date. He (Frederick George Blake Archer) had died in 1991, 14 years before at the age of 86, but he would have  been 100 on “9-11” (as it is called elsewhere), and the Oxford Mail did a feature in its “Down Memory Lane” series, on Dad and his firm, Archer Cowley & Co. In my humble opinion, Dad was the member of the family who cared most and best for the firm, and worked hardest for its success over almost his entire working life. His brother Arthur took it all very lightly (an all very admirable characteristic in its way) but it had its consequences, and Arthur’s brother Fred often had to pick up the pieces that resulted from Arthur’s ‘light touch’ on his work.

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014