The Bodleian Science Library removal to Parks Road by Archer Cowley in 1934:

Archer Cowley’s 1934 removal of 137 van-loads of books from the Bodleian Science Library to the new library in Parks Road must have been the apogee of the firm’s achievements, in its 112 years history, at 43+34 = 77 years since its founding in 1857 and 23 years before its 1957 centenary. This comment appears true not least in view of the endorsement of the competence and efficiency of the firm in the follow-up letter of commendation received. This letter forms part of the history album and scrapbook and will be reproduced and  commented-on in due course. 1934 was just after William GR Archer had bought-out from the firm, the long-standing colleagues of James Archer, Mack Cowley and Richard Rippington, and such a coup must have been a considerable feather-in-his-cap for my grandfather, though it is not at all impossible that one of his sons may have achieved this feat. Sadly, at 83 years later (2017) we probably shall never know. 

The caption in the middle of the page states: “200,00 Books: Removal of Science Library from the Bodleian, to New Library, Parks Road, August 1st to 24th 1934. 137 van-loads of books in 3 weeks. 16765s books per day. 17 men + motors. Strict sequence of books had to be maintained. 

Top left graphic (no caption) appears to me to be an AC&Ci van backed-up to an entrance of the Radcliffe Camera (between High Street and Broad Street).

Top right graphic has the caption: “Books out of basement through manhole in pavement”. 

Bottom left graphic presumably shows the unloading arrangement at the delivery end of the job, and has the caption: “Book trolleys on rollers self-propelled down sloping platform through basement window to book stacks”.

Bottom right graphic has the caption: “Alderman Thorpe and MJ Cowley recuperating at Scarboro after arduous NFWRA conference”. So this shows Mack Cowley one year into retirement. Have not been able yet to find out anything about Alderman Thorpe of Oxford in 1934.

qaa© Philip B Archer 2014